Thursday, October 26, 2006


"Eight of them - no, I wasn't looking for trouble, they just jumped me. I gave them what for but there was too many of them, knocked me out cold. Came round in the hospital, been six hours in a coma. Hey, morphine they gave me, that's something, that really gives you a buzz that does. Yeah, and there was four of them in there with me - I put four of them in the hospital, then they got six months banged up inside. Me, I sued them, 60,000€, it's already in the bank. Tidy little sum that - comes in handy when you're down on your luck. What? Oh, three weeks ago. It's all very quick. They're paying for the other four."

"Then there's J-C - you know him? Eight years inside he got. Well, he got away with 800,000€ and you know where the money is? It's in Argentina, that's where. His money'll be waiting for him when he gets out. What? Hey - look at it this way. He couldn't have made that much money working for eight years. "

"Right - my stop here. See you around some time."

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